Procedure of Nomination of Candidates for Deputies of the Chamber of Representatives by Labour Collectives
Nomination of candidates for deputies of the Chamber of Representatives from labour collectives of organisations shall be made at meetings (conferences) of electors in labour collectives.
Meetings (conferences) of electors in labour collectives of organisations located in the territory of the electoral district including not less than 300 persons working and having the right of the legal person shall be convened by the administration of the enterprise, institution or organisation both at their own initiative and at the initiative of the group of electors including not less than 150 persons working in the organisation.
In case of rejection by the administration of the proposal on the holding of a meeting (conference) on the initiative of the group of electors its initiators shall be given a copy of the motivated decision. This decision may be appealed, within a three-day period, to the regional or town court (the appeal must be signed by the majority of the initiators of the meeting convocation). The decision of the court shall be final.
The meeting must be attended by more than half the membership of the labour collective. Conferences of labour collectives shall be held if convocation of meetings is made difficult because of a great number of workers, the use of multi-shift working regime or territorial scatter of the structural divisions and shall be competent if attended by not less than two thirds of the delegates elected according to the procedure established in the labour collective. Decisions of a meeting (conference) of the labour collectives shall be taken by the majority of votes of its participants.
A candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives may be nominated from several smaller collectives with the total number of workers not less than 300 persons at their general meeting. In such case, more than half of the members must be present from each labour collective of the organisation having the rights of the legal persons.
A labour collective may nominate only one candidate for deputy of the Chamber of Representatives.