(1) The president is head of state and represents the unity of the nation.
(2) The president may send messages to parliament.
(3) He calls parliamentary elections and sets the date of their first meeting.
(4) He authorizes the government's legislative initiatives.
(5) He promulgates laws and issues decrees with the force of law as well as government regulations.
(6) He call a referendum when provided for by the constitution.
(7) He appoints state officials as provided by the laws.
(8) He accredits and receives diplomatic representatives, ratifies international treaties once they are authorized by parliament, provided parliamentary approval is necessary.
(9) He is the commander of the armed forces and chairman of the supreme defense council constituted by law; he declares war according to the decision of the parliament.
(10) He chairs the superior council of the judiciary.
(11) He has the power to grant pardons and commute punishments.