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Article 182

Form of letter of authorisation for Members of European Parliament   After the district committee of Helsinki has confirmed the election result, the electoral district committee  is required without delay to draft  and delivere a letter of authorisation to each elected candidate and which reads as follows:   "In the European Parliamentary election that was held  on the of the month of ...---. living  at has been elected  a member of the European Parliament from the beginning of the next meeting of the European Parliament  until the first meeting after the next European Parliamentary election is opened.   This certificate is a letter of authorisation of  a Member of the European Parliament."   Place and time.   If a membership of the European Parliamen becomes vacant,  the electoral district committee of Helsinki delivers an letter of authorisation to the person who is to replace the member. In this case the letter of authorisation shall read as  follows: :   " Since after --- was elected to the European Parliament.on the … of the.month the European Parliamentary elections that were  conducted in Finland and the membership has become vacant,  therefore, according to the Election Act---  living at…. replaces him or her  as a member of the European Parliament.   This certificate is a letter of authorisation of a Member of the European Parliament."   Place and time.