Home > 4.7 European elections > DENMARK - Consolidated Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament
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Section 47

(1) If a Danish citizen who is permanently resident in another member state of the European Union in connection with applying for entry on the election register in the election to the European Parliament in the resident country has made a declaration that he or she has not been deprived of his or her entitlement to vote in Denmark, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to confirm or deny such a declaration to the resident country as requested.

(2) If a Danish citizen who is permanently residing in another member state of the European Union in connection with standing as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the member state of residence has made a declaration that he has not been deprived of his right to stand in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark, the Minister for the Interior and Health, on receiving a notification from the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence, provides information regarding the eligibility of the person concerned to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark, see subsections (3). Information is submitted to the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence within five business days from the reception of the notification or, where possible, within a shorter time-limit if so requested by the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence.

(3) If the person concerned is a Danish citizen, the Minister for the Interior and Health informs the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence that the Minister for the Interior and Health has no knowledge of the person concerned having been deprived of his eligibility to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark. If the Folketing has previously decided that the person concerned is not eligible to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament, see section 6(2), the Minister for the Interior and Health notifies the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence accordingly.