(1) Persons who are Danish citizens and are employed by the Danish Government and detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark.
(2) The following persons who are Danish citizens and who reside temporarily on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark:
(i) Any person detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland as an employee of a Danish public authority or a local private undertaking or association;
(ii) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland as an employee of an international organisation of which Denmark is a member;
(iii) Any person detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland by a Danish aid organisation;
(iv) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland for training or educational purposes;
(v) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland on health grounds;
(vi) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland and who is comparable to the persons mentioned in (i)-(v) in terms of the affiliation to Denmark
(3) Persons who are Danish citizens and who reside on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark if they intend to return to Denmark within a period of two years from their departure.
(4) Any person who lives together with a person covered by (1), (2) or (3) at the same address shall be deemed to have his or her permanent address in Denmark if the two cohabitants
(i) have married or entered into a registered partnership with each other, or
(ii) fulfil the conditions of marrying or entering into a registered partnership with each other and had set up joint residence before departure.