Home > 4.7 European elections > DENMARK - Parliamentary Elections Act
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Section 17

(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health shall set up an Election Board to decide on:–

(i) inclusion in the electoral register as set out in section 16(2) and section 16a(2);

(ii) inclusion in the electoral register for national referendums as set out in section 96b;

(iii) inclusion in the electoral register for European Parliament elections as set out in section 14b of the Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament (lovom valg af danske medlemmer til Europa-Parlamentet);

(iv) the approval of names for new parties aiming to participate in general elections, see section 12(2) and (4) and section 13(3), or in European Parliament elections, see section 11(2) and (4) and section 12 of the Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament;

(v) approval of name changes for parties which are entitled to participate in elections to the Danish parliament, see sections 11a and 13(4), or elections to the European Parliament, see sections 10a and 12 of the Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament;

(vi) inclusion in the Party Name Register, see section 13(5);

(vii) the exclusion and cancellation of the collection of voter declarations for a party aiming to participate in general elections, see the first sentence of section 12a(1), or in European Parliament elections, see the first sentence of section 11a(1) of the Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament;

(viii) the temporary exclusion of the right to collect voter declarations for a party aiming to participate in general elections, see the first sentence of section 12a(2) and the second sentence of section 12a(3), or in European Parliament elections, see the first sentence of section 11a(2) and the second sentence of section 11a(3) of the Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament; and

(ix) the removal from office and suspension of a mayor or a holder of a different comparable municipal office or a chair of a regional council under the rules of sections 66a to 66c of the Act on Local Government (lov om kommunernes styrelse) and, as regards chairs of regional councils, also section 38 of the Regions Act (regionsloven).

(2) The Election Board consists of a chair and two other members, but in the cases specified in subsection (1)(iv) to (viii) three other members. The chair must be a High Court judge or a Supreme Court judge, and one of the other members must be an expert in constitutional law. The additional member of the Board in the cases specified in subsection (1)(iv) to (viii) must be an expert in name rights and trademark rights. Alternates must be appointed for the chair and each of the other members according to the same rules.

(3) The Election Board forms a quorum when the members of the Board or their substitutes are present. Decisions are made by majority of votes. If the voting is equal, the chair has a casting vote.

(4) The chair of the Election Board may decide cases of an urgent nature or cases whose outcome is certain on behalf of the Board.

(5) The decisions of the Election Board shall not be subject to appeal to any other administrative authority.

(6) The Election Board shall gather and provide the Minister for the Interior and Health with any information he may require regarding the activities of the Board.

(7) The Minister for the Interior and Health shall lay down the rules of procedure for the Board, including rules for summoning substitutes. The Minister for the Interior and Health shall determine the fees and payment of expenses to the members of the Board and their substitutes.

(8) The Ministry of the Interior and Health makes secretariat services available for the Board.

(9) The Election Board falls under the administration of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Civil and Military Administration.