Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > ALBANIA - Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania
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Article 68

Supporting lists of political parties and coalitions

(amended by Law No.74/2012, dated 19 July 2012; phrase replaced in point 3 by Law No. 118/2020, dated 5 October 2020)

1. The lists of candidates for the Assembly submitted by political parties, which do not possess any seat in the Assembly, must be supported by no fewer than 5,000 voters at a national level. In case of an electoral coalition, the lists, in their entirety, must be supported by no fewer than 7,000 voters at a national level. This rule shall not apply to coalitions in which the participating parties together hold a number of seats in the Assembly that is not smaller than the number of parties participating in the coalition.

2. Candidates for local government unit bodies, presented by political parties that do not possess any seat in the Assembly or in the bodies of the respective local government units, must be supported by no less than 1 per cent of the voters of that unit, but, in any case, by no more than 3,000 and no fewer than 50 voters. This rule shall not apply to coalitions where the participating parties together hold a number of seats in the Assembly, or in the respective municipal council, that is not smaller than the number of parties participating in the coalition.

3. For the purpose of this Article, the political party or the coalition shall submit a written attestation signed by the Assembly or the local government unit, certifying the possession of a seat for at least 6 months prior to the termination of the Assembly’s mandate or that of the local government unit body, on the grounds of self-declaration of the mandate holders on their affiliation in the political party, to the relevant institution.