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Article 42

Examinations of candidate lists.

For elections to the Althingi, the National Electoral Commission shall examine the documentation submitted and ensure compliance with the candidacy conditions, cf. Articles 37 and 39. For municipal elections, the senior electoral commission of the municipality performs this role. The National Electoral Commission may nominate a representative in individual constituencies to receive candidature notifications. 

The following shall be removed:    
1. the lower names on a candidate list that exceed the stipulated number of names,
2. a name off a list of nomination subscribers if the name is included thereon without the subscriber’s consent or if the subscriber has allowed his or her name to be included on more than one list.

If an investigation reveals that the same person has nominated more than one candidature, that person shall not be considered to be a nomination subscriber of any of the candidatures.

The results of checks on candidacy requirements and any objections raised shall be entered in the log book.