Art. 464. Upon conduct of by-elections of a mayor, the provisions of this Code shall apply with the following exceptions:
1. the registration of parties and coalitions of parties to run in the general elections of municipal councillors and mayors, effected at the Central Election Commission, shall subsist; to be able to run in the by-elections, the parties and coalitions of parties shall submit an application to the Central Election Commission not later than 35 days in advance of election day; a certificate issued by the Bulgarian National Audit Office, referred to in Art. 133, Para. 3 p. 6 and Art. 140, Para. 3, p. 1, letter "d", and a certificate of current legal status of the parties issued by the Sofia City Court under Art. 133, para.3 item 1 and Art. 140, Para. 3 p. 1, letter "a" herein shall be attached to the application; where one or more parties leave the coalition of parties, the said coalition shall retain the registration thereof if at least two parties remain therein; the parties which have left the coalition of parties may run in the elections independently;
2. the parties and coalitions of parties which have changed the persons empowered to represent them or which have registered any other amendments to the statute thereof or the decision on the formation of the coalition of parties relevant to the elections, shall notify the Central Election Commission of these changes and shall present the documents provided for in Art. 133, Para. 3, p. 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9, or Art. 140, Para. 3, p. 1, 2, 3, 7 -9 within the time limit referred to under p. 1;
3. the parties and coalitions which are not registered to run in the general elections of municipal councillors and mayors shall register at the Central Election Commission not later than 35 days in advance of election day; the documents covered under Art. 133 Para. 3 or Art. 140 Para. 3 shall be attached to the application;
4. the registration of political parties and coalitions of parties under item 3 or Art. 496, para. 4 for participation in by-elections or new elections conducted after the general elections for municipal councillors and mayors shall retain its effect for each next by-election or new election; the provisions of items 1, 2 and items 5 to 13 shall apply for the admission to participation in each next by-election;
5. the parties and the coalitions of parties which will run in the by-elections shall register at the municipal election commission not later than 30 days in advance of election day;
6. the candidates shall register at the municipal election commission not later than 25 days before election day and shall be made public not later than 20 days in before election day;
7. the polling stations shall be established not later than 35 days in advance of election day;.
8. the electoral rolls shall be made public not later than 20 days in advance of election day;
9. the municipal election commission shall appoint the precinct election commissions not later than 25 days before election day on a proposal by the municipality mayor as provided for in Art. 89 - 92, not later than 24 days before election day;
10. the election campaign shall be opened 30 days in advance of election day;
11. the expenditures on the administrative and logistical preparation of the by- elections, including the provisions of technical devices and consumables shall be for the account of the municipal budget;
12. the remunerations of the members of the municipal election commission and of the members of the precinct election commissions shall be determined by the methodology referred to under Art. 57, Para. 1 p. 7;
13. the terms provided for in the code related to the preparation and holding of the elections shall be applied accordingly to the terms specified in items 1 - 12.