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Article 13

Art. 13. (1) In elections for Members of Parliament, for President and Vice President of the Republic and for Members of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, the heads of the diplomatic and consulate representations of the Republic of Bulgaria shall form polling stations outside the country while observing the legislation of the relevant state.

(2) (Revoked - SG 39/16, in force from 26.05.2016; new – SG 57/16, in force from 22.07.2016) Heads of diplomatic and consular representative offices shall determine the location of the polling stations outside the country based on the territorial distribution of Bulgarian community in the respective place.

(3) (Revoked - SG 39/16, in force from 26.05.2016; new – SG 57/16, in force from 22.07.2016) Organizations of Bulgarian citizens in the respective place can make a proposal for the location of polling stations outside the country to the heads of diplomatic and consular representative offices. The proposal shall be made within 25 days before the elections day at the latest and shall be published without any delay on the Internet page of the respective diplomatic and consular representative offices.

(4) (Revoked - SG 39/16, in force from 26.05.2016; new – SG 57/16, in force from 22.07.2016). The heads of diplomatic and consular representative offices can determine the location of polling stations outside the county based on the proposals under Para. 3.

(5) The polling stations shall be established by order of the heads of diplomatic missions and consular representations of the Republic of Bulgaria not later than 18 days in advance of Election Day on the basis of the decision of the Central Electoral Commission under Art. 12. The order shall state the location of polling stations locally.

(6) The order as referred to in Para. (5) herein shall be made public and shall be appealable within a 3-day term as of its announcement before the Central Electoral Commission, which shall, within a 3-day term, pronounce by a decision, which shall be made public. The decision of the Central Electoral Commission shall be appealable according to the terms as referred to in Art. 58 herein.