Home > 4.7 European elections > AUSTRIA - Federal Law on the Election of the National Council (National Council Election Regulation 1992 – NRWO)
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Article 10

 (1) For each political district (administrative district), each city with self- government, and in the City of Vienna at the seat of each City Council District Office a district electoral authority shall be established. The regional jurisdiction of the district electoral authorities in Vienna corresponds with the jurisdiction of the City Council District Office.

(2) The district electoral authority consists of the head of the district office, of the mayor in the cities with self-government, and of the head of the City Council District Office in the City of Vienna, or a permanent representative to be appointed by him as chairman and district polling officer, as well as of nine assessors.

(3) In case the district polling officer is temporarily unable to attend he shall appoint a deputy.

(4) The district electoral authority has its seat at the seat of the district polling officer.

(5) Outside of Vienna the members of the district electoral authority must not simultaneously be members of community electoral authorities, in Vienna not simultaneously be members of the provincial electoral authority for the provincial constituency of Vienna.