“ § 1. A voter with a disability is included, upon application for a change of voting place, in the electoral register in the permanent electoral precinct selected by the voter of the municipality appropriate for the registered address for permanent residence or the address of permanent residence, where the premises for a precinct electoral commission are adapted to the needs of voters with disabilities if the premises for the precinct electoral commission appropriate for the registered address for permanent residence or the address of permanent residence of the voter do not meet these conditions. The provision of Article 28 § 1 and 4 -7 shall apply accordingly.
§ 2. In elections to bodies that constitute local government units, the application referred to in § 1 may only concern premises for a precinct electoral commission adapted to the needs of voters with disabilities located in the constituency appropriate for the registered address for permanent residence or the address of the voter’s permanent residence. Only if there are no such premises in this constituency, the application may concern premises for a precinct electoral commission adapted to the needs of voters with disabilities located in another constituency.
§ 3. In elections of a mayor, where a re-vote is conducted, the provisions of § 1 and 2 shall apply accordingly, except that the application for a change of voting place shall be submitted between the 13th and 3rd day before the re-vote.”