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Article 182

§ 1. A precinct election commission shall be set up by an election commissioner from among voters, no later than on the 21st day before the election day, subject to the provisions of Art. 183.

§ 1a. Each precinct election commission shall include:

1) 7 people in precincts up to 1,000 inhabitants;

2) 9 people in precincts from 1001 to 2000 inhabitants;

3) 11 people in in precincts from 2001 to 3000 inhabitants;

4) 13 people in in precincts with over 3000 inhabitants.

§ 2. Each precinct election commission shall be appointed from among candidates proposed by electoral representatives or persons authorized by them:

1)       in a number not less than 2/3 of the statutory composition of the commission - one person designated by each of electoral representatives representing electoral committees formed by political parties or coalitions of political parties, from the lists of which in recent elections respectively: councillors to the voivodship parliament were elected. The candidates may be designated only within the voivodship in which the electoral committee introduced councillors to the voivodship parliament in the last elections or deputies to the Sejm were elected; if the number of such electoral committees is less than 6, the right to indicate an additional person has the representatives of electoral committees referred to in point 2,

2)       one person designated by each of the electoral representatives of the remaining electoral committees - subject to § 7.

§2a. (repealed)

§ 3. In the composition of separate precinct election commissions shall be appointed: 5 persons from among the candidates proposed by electoral representatives or persons authorized by them.

§ 4. A person who is a candidate for a member of the precinct election commission:

1) must be at least 18 years old on the day of submitting the application;

2) can become a candidate for a commission in the province in which he permanently resides.

§ 5. Submissions of candidates for members of precinct election commissions are made no later than the 30th day before the election day.

§ 6. A person shall be proposed to a precinct election commission after obtaining consent of the person concerned.

§ 7. If the number of commission members appointed pursuant to § 2:

1)       was less than 9 - other candidates for the commission shall be appointed by public draw from among persons nominated by all electoral representatives; each of them can propose as many people as missing from the statutory number of commissions;

2)       was greater than 9 - candidates for the commission, the number of which is the difference between the number 9 and the number of members appointed pursuant to § 2 point 1, shall be appointed by public drawing from among persons proposed by electoral representatives, referred to in § 2 point 2; each of them may propose to draw only one person.

§ 8. The draw referred to in § 7 shall be carried out by an election commissioner.

§ 8a. In the event of failure to submit candidates to the commission, in the case of referred to in § 7 item 1, the minimum composition of a precinct election commission is 5 members.

§ 8b. The election commissioner:

1)       must complete the composition of the commission - if the number of nominated candidates is smaller than the minimum composition of the precinct election commission,

2)       may complete the composition of the commission - if the number of nominated candidates is less than statutory composition of the precinct election commission - from among voters meeting the condition referred to in § 4. The provision of § 6 shall apply accordingly.

§ 8c. The voters referred to in § 8b may submit their candidatures to the election commissioner. 

§ 9. The first meeting of a precinct election commission shall be convened by the election commissioner.

§ 10. At the first meeting a precinct election commission shall appoint from among its members a chairperson and his/her deputy. Composition of the commission shall be immediately made known to the public as is customary.

§ 11. The National Election Commission shall determine the way of proposing candidates for members of precinct election commissions, the model of the notification and the rules on setting up of these commissions, including the procedure for carrying out of the draw mentioned in § 7.