Restrictions on holding the local referendum
(1) The local referendum shall not be conducted in the event of establishment/declaration of a state of emergency, of siege or of war. If the period in respect of which it was established/declared the state of emergency, of siege or of war overlaps with the date of the Local Referendum, set before the establishment/declaration of that state, the referendum shall be cancelled de jure or postponed to another day, in compliance with the time limits laid down in this Code.
(2) The local referendum shall not be conducted on the day of Parliamentary, Presidential and General Local Elections, nor within 60 days before or after the day the elections are being held. On the same day, in the same locality shall not be conducted two Local Referendums.
(3) The decision to postpone the local referendum shall be adopted by the Central Electoral Commission on the proposal from the local council or the representative authority of the administrative-territorial unit with special status which issued the act of the organisation of the referendum.
(4) The local referendum to dismiss the Mayor shall be initiated after the expiration of one year from his/her entry into office or from the date of the previous local referendum for the dismissal of the same Mayor. The dismissal of the Mayor shall not be conducted during the last year of his/her mandate.
(5) Voters who don’t have domicile or temporary residence registration in the corresponding administrative-territorial unit shall be prohibited to participate in the local referendum.