Trustworthy persons of electoral competitors
(1) Competitors may have trustworthy persons, eligible to vote, in each Electoral District. Trustworthy person assist electoral competitors in holding their electoral campaigns, campaign in favour of candidates and represent their interests in their relations with the public authorities, the voters, the District Electoral Councils and the Precinct Electoral Bureaus.
(2) The number of trustworthy persons, the confirmation procedure, their rights and obligations shall be determined by this Code and by the regulation on the activity of trustworthy persons, approved by the Central Electoral Commission.
(3) Trustworthy persons of electoral competitors in the Parliamentary and Presidential Elections and those of participants in the Republican Referendum shall be confirmed by the Central Electoral Commission. Trustworthy persons of the electoral competitors and of the participants in the referendum in local elections and local referendums shall be approved by the corresponding District Electoral Council. The corresponding electoral body confirms, by decision, the trustworthy persons of the electoral competitors/participants in the referendum.
(4) Electoral competitors may, at least 7 days before the day of the vote, request the electoral body to approve additional trustworthy persons, the suspension of their duties or their replacement by other persons, in compliance with the number criteria and the conditions laid down in this Article and the rules approved by the Central Electoral Commission.
(5) Decisions of the electoral body concerning confirmation, refusal of confirmation and/or substitution of trustworthy persons may be challenged under the conditions laid down in Chapter XIII.
(6) During the Presidential Elections and Local Elections, trustworthy persons of electoral competitors, confirmed in the established manner, may also perform their activity during the second round of elections.
(7) Trustworthy persons of electoral competitors holding public positions are prohibited to use the public means and resources in the electoral campaign.
(8) The provisions of this article shall also apply to participants in the referendum.