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Article 21

Procedure for the election of the President and the Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission

(1) The Chairperson and the Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission shall be elected from among the members of the Commission, by secret vote, by an absolute majority of the votes of its members, by the adoption of a decision to that effect. The procedure for election of the Chairperson and the Secretary is laid down in the Regulation governing the activities of the Central Electoral Commission.

(2) Each member of the Central Electoral Commission shall have the right to submit nominations for the positions of Chairperson and Secretary, including to propose and support his own nomination, by vote.

(3) The meeting to elect the Chairperson and the Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission shall take place no later than 15 days after the vacancy of these positions has occurred. In case the vacancy has intervene during the electoral period, the meeting to elect the new management shall be held within 3 days after the vacancy has occurred.

(4) The meeting of the Central Electoral Commission to elect the Chairperson and the Secretary will be chaired by two members of the Commission, chosen by a simple majority of the votes of its members, which will have the task to organise and supervise the procedure for discussing the candidatures and their election.

(5) If, after the first voting, the candidate for the position of Chairperson or Secretary of the Central Electoral Commission did not meet an absolute majority of votes, the Repeated voting shall be organised, in which may also take part the members who ran for the same position in the first round of voting.

(6) In the absence of the Chairperson of the Central Electoral Commission, and in the event of occurrence of the vacancy de jure, until the election of a new Chairperson, the duties of the Chairperson shall be performed by the Secretary.