Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law
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*Article 10

(1)   The number of delegates from each constituent people and group of Others to be elected to the House of Peoples of the BiH Federation Parliament from the legislature of each canton shall be proportionate to the population of the canton as reflected in the last census. The Election Commission will determine, after each new census, the number of delegates elected from each constituent people and from the group of Others that will be elected from each canton legislature.


(2)  For each canton, the population figures for each constituent people and for the group of Others shall be divided by the numbers 1,3,5,7 etc. as long as necessary for the allocation. The numbers resulting from these divisions shall represent the quotient of each constituent people and of the group of Others in each canton. All the constituent peoples’ quotients and quotients of the group of Others shall be ordered by size separately, the largest quotient of each constituent people and of the Others being placed first in order. Each constituent people and the group of Others shall be allocated one seat in every canton which has at least one such delegate in its legislative body provided that, if a canton does not have one such delegate in its legislative body, Article 10.16 of this Law shall apply. The highest quotient for each constituent people and for the group of Others in each canton shall be deleted from that constituent peoples’ list of quotients or from the list of the group of Others. The remaining seats shall be allocated to constituent peoples and to the Others one by one in descending order according to the remaining quotients on their respective list.


* The provision of Article 10.12, paragraph (2) of the BiH Election Law “Each constituent people shall be allocated one seat in every canton” has been terminated on 29.07.2017 by the Decision of the BiH Constitutional Court published in Official Gazette 54/17 from 28.07.2017.