(1) Any Danish subject (Does it mean the ‘citizen’ ???) whose permanent residence is in the Realm, and who has the age qualification for suffrage provided for in Subsection (2) shall have the right to vote at Parliament elections, provided that he has not been declared incapable of conducting his own affairs. It shall be laid down by Statute to what extent conviction and public assistance amounting to poor relief within the meaning of the law shall entail disfranchisement.
(2) The age qualification for suffrage shall be such as has resulted from the Referendum held under the Act dated the 25th March, 1953. Such age qualification for suffrage may be altered at any time by Statute. A Bill passed by the Parliament for the purpose of such enactment shall receive the Royal Assent only when the provision on the alteration in the age qualification for suffrage has been put to a Referendum in accordance with Section 42 (5), which was not resulted in the rejection of the provision.