Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law
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Article 10

(1)   The representatives from among Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs and Others in each Canton’s Assembly shall elect delegates of their respective constituent peoples in that Canton.

(2)   Each party represented in the respective caucuses of the constituent peoples and Others or each member of one of these caucuses shall be entitled to nominate one or more candidates on a list for election of delegates of that particular caucus from that Canton.

(3)   Each list can include a larger number of candidates than is the number of delegates to be elected on the condition that the legislature of the Canton has a larger number of delegates from among Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs and Others than is the number of delegates from amongst Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs and Others that ought to be elected to the House of Peoples of the BiH Federation Parliament.