Home > 4.3 Regional and federate elections > BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law
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Article 9

(1)   21 mandates from five multi-member constituencies for the House of Representatives for the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, from the territory of the Federation of BiH, are allocated as follows:


a)                           Constituency 1 consists of Cantons 1 and 10, and shall elect three members.

b)                           Constituency 2 consists of Cantons 7 and 8, and shall elect three members.

c)                           Constituency 3 consists of Cantons 5 and 9, and shall elect four members.

d)                           Constituency 4 consists of Cantons 4 and 6, and shall elect six members.

e)                           Constituency 5 consists of Cantons 2 and 3, and Brčko District of BiH, and shall elect five members.