Assessment of the validity of a vote cast in a referendum.
A vote cast in a referendum, whether in early voting or during a polling session, shall be deemed to be invalid if:
a. the ballot paper is blank,
b. it is not possible to see with certainty which answer option the voter wished to cast the vote for, cf. paragraph 2 of Article 86,
c. a mark or writing on the ballot paper may be inferred to have been added intentionally to make the ballot paper identifiable,
d. the ballot paper is not the one that the National Electoral Commission has had produced under Chapter XI.
When assessing the validity of a vote where the Althingi has decided to include more questions on the ballot paper or that their wording shall be different, cf. paragraph 3 of Article 66, the validity for each question shall be assessed independently. A ballot cast shall not be deemed to be invalid in its entirety even if the voter has not expressed, or has failed to express, a preference on any individual questions on the ballot paper, provided that the ballot cast is valid in other respects.
The assessment of the validity of a ballot cast in early voting shall respect the conditions of [points (e) and (f) of Article 103.]1)