(1) In the 2014 general election of local government representatives and mayors and the subsequent by-elections, a national minority candidate shall also make a statement that he did not stand for election as a national minority candidate of another national minority in the last two general elections of local government representatives and mayors and national minority self-government representatives and in the subsequent by-elections. Section 307/F (2) shall not apply before the 2019 general election of local government representatives and mayors.
(2) In the 2014 general election of national minority self-government representatives and the subsequent by-elections, a candidate shall also make a statement that he did not stand for election as a candidate of another national minority in the last two general elections of national minority self-government representatives and in the subsequent by-elections. Section 318 (4) shall not apply before the 2019 general election of national minority self-government representatives.
(3) In the application of section 307/G (4) and section 317 (2), in the 2019 general election of local government representatives and mayors and national minority self-government representatives and the subsequent by-elections, the elections before the 2014 general election of local government representatives and mayors and national minority self-government representatives need not be examined.