Home > 4.5.1 Elections of the local executive body > HUNGARY - Act XXXVI on Election Procedure
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Section 307

(1) A voter may submit a request for absentee voting if he had a place of residence in the constituency concerned both on the thirtieth day before the election date was set and at the time of the assessment of his request for absentee voting, and his place of residence remains valid at least until voting day.

(2) Requests for absentee voting shall arrive at the local election office after the election date is set, but not later than on the fourth day before voting day.

(3) In addition to the data set out in section 92 (1) or (3), a request for absentee voting shall also include the address of the place of residence of the voter.

(4) A voter who requested absentee voting may withdraw his request for absentee voting

a) not later than on the fourth day before voting day if the request is submitted by mail or by electronic means without electronic identification,

b) not later than on the second day before voting day if the request is submitted in person or by electronic means after electronic identification,