Home > 1.2.3 Equality and national minorities > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 73

(1) All the electoral operations carried out by the electoral bureaux of the polling stations may be attended, besides their members, by the accredited persons under the terms of this law.

(2) Within the meaning of this law, accredited persons shall mean the following:

a) internal and external observers;

b) internal and external mass media representatives;

c) the delegates of the political parties, organisations of citizens belongingto national minorities, of the political or electoral alliances pertaining to those that take part in the elections and have no representatives in the electoral bureaux.

(3) There may be accredited as internal observers the representatives of nongovernmental organisations that have as a main object of activity the defence of democracy and human rights that are legally constituted at least 6 months prior to the reference date. The persons appointed by these organi- sations as internal observers shall not have political affiliation.

(4) There may be accredited as internal mass media representatives fromRomania the persons on contract with the institutions thereof, and appointed to this aim by their leaders. The persons appointed by such institutions as internal mass media representatives shall not have political affiliation.

(5) The internal observers and the internal mass media representativesshall be accredited by the county electoral bureaux, the Bucharest Municipality district electoral bureaux, and the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad, for all the polling stations within the jurisdiction thereof, at the written request of the leaders of non-governmental organisations or of the mass media institutions from Romania made at least 5 days prior to the election date.

(6) The external observers and the external mass media representatives shallbe accredited by the Permanent Electoral Authority, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for all the electoral bureaux.

(7) There may be accredited as internal observers only the persons nominatedby those non-governmental organisations that produce a certificate issued by the Permanent Electoral Authority regarding the compliance with the provisions of paragraph (3).

(8) There may be accredited as internal mass media representatives only thepersons nominated by those mass media institutions that produce a certificate issued by the Permanent Electoral Authority regarding the compliance with the provisions of paragraph (4).

(9) The delegates of the political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, of the political or electoral alliances pertaining to those that take part in the elections and have no representatives in the electoral bureaux shall be accredited by the county electoral bureaux, the district electoral bureaux or the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad, for the respective electoral bureaux, at the written request of the leaders of the county organisations of political parties, political and electoral alliances made at least 2 days prior to the election date.

(10) The accredited persons may attend the electoral operations on the votingday, beginning at 6:00 hours and finishing at the time when the members of the electoral bureau of the polling station are closing and signing the statement of poll ascertaining the voting results in the respective polling station, only if they produce the accreditation document, which shall also be valid in duplicate. They shall not interfere in any way in the organisation and conduct of the elections; they are only entitled to notify the president of the electoral bureau in writing in the event they find an inconsistency. Any action of electoral propaganda, as well as the infringement by any means of the accreditation document shall entail the enforcement of legal sanctions, the suspension of the accreditation by the electoral bureau that has found the misbehaviour, and, on voting day, the immediate removal of the respective person from the polling station.

(11) At the electoral bureau of the polling station, the accredited personsshall be allowed to stay only within the area settled to this aim by the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station. The accreditation shall also permit the access of the holder thereof in the area especially arranged to this aim at the county electoral bureau, the Bucharest Municipality district electoral bureau, or at the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad that issued the accreditation.

(12) The contestations regarding the accreditation or the rejection of theaccreditation request by the county electoral bureau, the Bucharest Municipality district electoral bureau, or by the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad shall be filed within 2 days of the posting of the decision with the tribunal in whose jurisdiction operates the electoral bureau, and shall be settled within, 2 days of the registration. The decision shall be final.*

(13) The contestations regarding the rejection by the Permanent Electoral Authority of the request for issuing the certificate provided for in paragraph (7) or (8) shall be filed within 2 days of the communication of the answer with the Bucharest Court of Appeal, and shall be settled within 2 days of the registration. The decision shall be final.*

* Entered into force on 15 February 2013, according to Law No. 76/2012 for the enforcement of Law No. 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 365 of 30 May 2012, with the subsequent amendments.