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Article 54

(1) The minor offences provided for in Article 53 b), c), d), e), g), j), k), l), m), o), p), ş), ţ), u), v), and z) shall be punished by fine from 1,000 lei to 2,500 lei, those in points f), h), q), t), w), x), and z1) by fine from 1,500 lei to 4,500 lei, and the ones in points a), i), n), r), s), and y) by fine from 4,500 lei to 10,000 lei.

(2) The finding out of the minor offences provided for in Article 53 and the entry into force of the punishments stipulated in paragraph (1) shall be applied by:

a) the officers, agents, and noncommissioned officers in the RomanianPolice, the Romanian Border Police, and the Romanian Gendarmerie for the facts provided for in Article 53 i), k), n), o), q), r), t), w), z), and z1);

b) the president of the county electoral bureau, of the district electoral bureauor of the electoral bureau for the polling stations abroad for the facts provided for in Article 53 j), p), ş), and v);

c) the president of the Central Electoral Bureau for the facts provided for in Article 53 f), g), h), and l);

d) the president of the electoral bureau, in the event the members thereofhave committed the offences, or the president of the electoral bureau of higher level, in the event the presidents of the electoral bureaux of lower level or the deputies thereof have committed the offences provided for in Article 53 n), s), ţ), u), and v);

e) the representatives of the president of the Permanent Electoral Authority for the facts provided for in Article 53 a), b), c), d), e), and x);

f) the representatives of the president of the Permanent Electoral Authorityin the event the fact provided for in Article 53 m) has been committed by authorities of the central or local public administration authorities, and in the event the fact provided for in Article 53 y) has been committed by other persons than the radio broadcasters; the president of the electoral bureau in the event the fact provided for in Article 53 m) has been committed by the members of the electoral bureau, or the president of the electoral bureau of higher level in the event the fact has been committed by the presidents of the electoral bureaux of lower level; policemen, in the event the fact provided for in Article 53 m) has been committed by other natural or legal persons; g) the National Audiovisual Council, that shall refer the matter to the court or may be approached by the interested persons, for the facts provided for in Article 53 y) in the event they have been committed by the radio broadcasters.

(3) The offenders may pay on the spot or within 48 hours of the date of theconclusion of the minute or, where appropriate, of the date of the notification thereof, half the minimum of the fine provided for in paragraph (1), the policeman who is charged to ascertain the offence making mention of this option in the said minute.

(4) For the offences provided for in Article 53 shall be applicable theprovisions of Government Ordinance No. 2/2001 on the legal regime of minor offences, approved with amendments and completions by Law No. 180/2002, with the subsequent amendments and completions.

(5) The committing by the members of the electoral bureaux of the offencesprovided for in paragraph (1) entails their replacement with other persons according to Articles 24, 26, 28, and 29, at the request of the president of the electoral bureau of higher level or of the president of the Central Electoral Bureau, where appropriate.