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Article 53

There shall be considered minor offences the following facts:

a) the deliberate entering of a voter on several permanent or specialelectoral rolls, the entering on the electoral rolls of fictitious persons or of persons not entitled to vote;

b) the keeping of the registers with permanent electoral rolls or of the registers with special electoral rolls under inappropriate conditions;

c) the failure to make the notifications stipulated by law in due time and tooperate them in the permanent electoral rolls, and in the special electoral rolls;

d) the operations made by unauthorised persons in the permanent electoral rolls, and in the special electoral rolls;

e) the failure to notify the courts of law of the alterations operated on thesample of the permanent electoral roll or on that of the special electoral roll existing at the town hall;

f) the signing up of the list of supporters by infringing the provisions of Article 18;

g) the infringing of the provisions with regard to the posting of candidature nominations provided for in Article 20 (1);

h) the use of the electoral sign registered with the Central Electoral Bureauby a political party, organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliance, electoral alliance or independent candidate by another political party, organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliance, electoral alliance or independent candidate;

i) the organisers’failure to take the necessary measures for the carrying outin normal conditions of the electoral meetings, as well as the distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages during such meetings;

j)  the destruction, deterioration, staining, covering by writing or by anyother method of the electoral rolls, with the exceptions provided for in Arti cle 49 (1) c);

k) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 35 (2) and (4) and of Article40(3)–(7); the posting of the electoral rolls and of their copies; the destruction, deterioration, staining, covering by writing or by any other method of the platform-programmes displayed or of any other posters or printed advertisements of electoral propaganda;

l) the acceptance of the candidature for several times by a person in the same elections to the European Parliament;

m) the failure to observe the decisions and judgements of the electoralbureaux;  the failure to observe the decisions and instructions of the Permanent Electoral Authority;

n) the unauthorised printing of ballot papers with a view to using them on election day;*

o) the refusal to permit the access of the accredited persons to the premisesof the polling station, with the exception of the cases when the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station restricts the access of the accredited persons to the premises of the polling station due to the size thereof;

p) the refusal to receive and register a written petition submitted in compliance with the provisions of Article 46 (17);

q) the refusal to comply with the provisions of the president of the electoralbureau of the polling station regarding the provision of order to the premises of the polling station and to its surroundings;

r) the handing over of the ballot paper to a voter who does not producethe identity paper or identity document, where appropriate, or who refuses to sign the electoral roll where he/she is registered for the receipt of the ballot paper and the stamp marked “VOTED”; the failure to observe the provisions of Article 46 (8);*

s) the failure to affix the stamp marked “VOTED” or the sticker stamp onthe identity paper or identity document, where appropriate, as well as the holding thereof without grounded reasons by the members of the electoral bureau of the polling station;

ş) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 49(2); the drawing up of the statements of poll by the electoral bureaux of the polling stations being in breach of the provisions of this law;

t) the continuation of the electoral propaganda after the closing thereof, aswell as the counselling of the voters at the premises of the polling stations on the voting day to vote or not to vote for a certain political party, political alliance, electoral alliance, organisation belonging to national minorities or independent candidate;

ţ) wearing of badges, insignia or other signs of electoral propaganda during the voting process by the members of the electoral bureau of the polling stations, the persons charged with the guard or by the accredited persons;

u) the violation by the members of the electoral bureaux of the duty to take part in the activity of these bureaux;

v) the refusal of the president of the electoral bureau or of his/her deputyto deliver a certified copy of the statement of poll to the persons entitled to it in compliance with the provisions of this law;

w) the infringement of the accreditation conditions by the accreditedpersons and by the poll operators of the poll institutes, of trade companies or of the non-governmental organisations that have been accredited by the Central Electoral Bureau, by decision;

x) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 34;

y) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 36, of Article 37 (1)–(3) and (5), and of Article 38 (2)–(4);

z) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 40 (8)–(11);

z1) the failure to observe the provisions of Article 45 (12).

* Amended by Law No. 187/2012.