Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 35

(1) The electoral campaign shall start 30 days prior to the reference date and shall end on the Saturday morning which precedes the reference date, at 7:00 hours.

(2) During the electoral campaign, the candidates, the political parties, thepolitical alliances and the electoral alliances, the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities which participate in the elections, as well as the citizens are entitled to express their opinions freely and without any discrimination through meetings, gatherings, marches, as well as through mass media. The organisation of the meetings, gatherings, and marches shall be done only with the authorisations thereof provided for in the legislation in force.

(3) The means used in the electoral campaign shall not contravene the ruleof law.

(4) The electoral campaign activities of any kind are forbidden in themilitary units, educational institutions, during instruction, at the premises of the diplomatic representations, as well as in penitentiaries.

(5) During the electoral campaign, the mayors shall provide the candidateswith non-discriminatory proper locations so that they can meet with their voters.