Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 34

(1) On the national territory, the electoral operations shall take place in the polling stations set up according to Law o. 35/2008, with the subsequent amendments and completions.**

(2) Repealed.*

(3) Repealed.*

(4) Repealed.*

(5) Repealed.*

(6) Repealed.*

(7) Near the diplomatic missions and consular bureaux of Romania thereshall be set up one or more polling stations for the voters who are abroad on the reference date.

(8) Apart from the polling stations provided for in paragraph (7), with theagreement of the government of the country in question, there may also be set up polling stations in other localities than those where diplomatic missions and consular offices have their headquarters.

(9) The numbering of the polling stations abroad shall be settled by orderof the minister of foreign affairs. Within the time limit provided for in paragraph (5), the minister of foreign affairs shall make public the numbering of each polling station abroad, as well as the locations where voting shall be held.

(10) The premises of the polling stations provided for in paragraphs (7) and(8) shall be established and endowed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To this end, the Ministry of Public Finance shall allot the necessary funds.

* Entered into force on 15 February 2013 according to Law No. 76/2012 for the enforcement of Law No. 134/2010 on the Civil Procedure Code, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 365 of 30 May 2012, with the subsequent amendments.
** Repealed by G.E.O. No. 4/2014.