Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 27

(1) The county electoral bureaux and the electoral bureaux of Bucharest Municipality districts shall have the following duties:

a) they shall pursue and ensure the unitary implementation and the observance of this law’s provisions by all authorities, institutions and bodies with duties in electoral matters within the county or the Bucharest Municipality district; they shall ensure, together with the prefects, the training of presidents of the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, as well as of their deputies; b) they shall settle the objections referring to its own activity and the petitions regarding the proceedings of the electoral bureaux of the polling stations; petitions shall be settled by decisions which are binding for the electoral bureau in question, as well as for the public authorities and institutions to which they refer, under the sanctions provided by this law;

c) they shall see to the organisation of the polling stations in due time; theyshall distribute, on the basis of a minutes, together with the mayors, to the electoral bureaux of the polling stations the ballot papers, the control stamps, the stamps marked “VOTED”, as well as other material required in the electoral process;

d) on the basis of the table notified by the Permanent Electoral Authority,which includes the community voters, whose names have been entered on the special electoral rolls, they shall confirm, upon request from the electoral bureaux of the polling stations within their territorial jurisdiction, that the community voters who come to the poll according to Article 13are entered on the special electoral rolls;

e) they shall totalize the number of validly cast votes for each list ofcandidates and for each independent candidate and shall notify the results to the Central Electoral Bureau in order to establish the electoral threshold; f) shall centralise the return of the vote counting for the county or the district of the Bucharest Municipality in which they function and shall submit to the Central Electoral Bureau the statement of poll provided for in Article 50, the statements of poll received from the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, the files including the electoral rolls used in the polling stations, filed according to the polling stations and types of rolls, as well as all the objections and petitions received;

g) shall hand over, on a statement of poll basis, to the county courts, to the Bucharest Tribunal, respectively, the null and contested ballot papers, as well as the other held documents and material, which are not handed over to the Central Electoral Bureau.

(2) The county electoral bureaux and the electoral bureaux of the districtsof the Bucharest Municipality shall carry out any other attributions incumbent upon them under the present law.

(3) The decisions of the electoral bureau of the county or of the district ofthe Bucharest Municipality shall be brought to public knowledge by posting or by any other means of publicity.

(4) Should it find discrepancies between the data contained in the statementsof poll received from the electoral bureaux of the polling stations, the electoral bureau of the county or of the district of Bucharest Municipality, shall request the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station to make the necessary corrections which he shall certify by his signature and by affixing the polling station control stamp.