Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 18

(1) A voter can support only one political party, political alliance, electoral alliance, organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities or independent candidate.

(2) The list of supporters is a public act and falls under the provisions of Article 292 of the Criminal Code*. At the end of the list, the person who has drawn it up shall include a statement on one’s own account certifying the authenticity of the supporters’signatures. The model of the supporters’list and that of statement on one’s own account are set by Government Decision**.

* The sanction for the offence of false declaration is provided for in Article 326 of Law No. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 510 of 24 July 2009, with the subsequent amendments and completions.
** See G.D. No. 105/2014 on the approval of the model of the supporters’ list to be used in the 2014 elections of the members from Romania to the European Parliament, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 131 of 24 February 2014.