Home > 4.7 European elections > ROMANIA - Law on the Organisation and Conduct of the Elections to the European Parliament
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Article 15

(1) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall inform the authorities with similar responsibilities in the other Member States of the European Union about:

a) the information contained in the application for enlisting thecommunity voters on the special electoral rolls, 20 days at the latest before the reference date;

b) the information contained in the statement on one’s own accountprovided for in Article 14 (1), in 24 hours at the latest of receiving them from the Central Electoral Bureau, in order to verify the candidate’s eligibility.*

(2) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall answer to the requests ofexamination the Romanian citizens’ eligibility who submitted their candidatures in the Member State of residence, in 5 working days at the latest from the date when the application was submitted or even sooner if it is possible or if so it is required by the state of residence.*

(3) The rejection of the community eligible person’s candidature shallnot be determined by the failure to communicate the answer to the intimation provided for in paragraph (1) point b), within the term provided in Article 19 (2).*

(4) In the event that the Permanent Electoral Authority is informed byan authority with similar responsibilities in another Member State of the European Union that a community eligible person has lost his/her right to be elected or that he/she is also a candidate in the Member State of origin, or that a Romanian citizen has entered on the electoral rolls of the Member State of residence, it shall carry out the provisions of the law in order to:

a) prohibit the right to be elected to the same elections both in theMember State of origin and in Romania, the right to be elected of the persons who no longer have this right, as well as the right to exercise their mandate of the persons who had participated in the elections without having the right to be elected;

b) strike off from the copy of the permanent electoral roll of theRomanian candidates enlisted on the electoral rolls of another Member State of the European Union.*

(5) The Permanent Electoral Authority shall communicate to the electoral bodies or to the competent authorities, as the case may be, the information received from the authorities with similar responsibilities in the other Member States of the European Union regarding the national voters and the community eligible persons, with a view to enforcing paragraph (4), within 48 hours at the latest from the date of their receiving.*

(6) The Permanent Electoral Authority is the only public authority inRomania that may exchange information regarding the electoral rights of the citizens of Romania or of the other Member States of the European Union with the authorities in the other Member States of the European Union with similar responsibilities.

(7) The public authorities in Romania have the obligation to support thePermanent Electoral Authority in carrying out the duties referred to in paragraphs (1)–(6).

* Amended by G.E.O. No. 4/2014.