(1) No later than 60 days before the reference date, the citizens entitled to vote from the Member States of the European Union, others than Romania, who have their domicile or residence in Romania may apply to enter on the special electoral rolls. Their applications shall be submitted in writing to the mayor of the locality of domicile or residence, together with a copy of a valid identity document.
(2) The special electoral rolls include the full name of the communityvoter, his/her citizenship and address in Romania.
(3) The model and contents of the application shall be decided byGovernment Decision*, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Administration and Interior and of the Permanent Electoral Authority. The application is deemed a public document and falls under the incidence of Article 292 of the Criminal Code**.
(4) Within the meaning of this law, by valid identity document of the community voter or of the community eligible person, one shall understand any document issued by the Member State, other than Romania, whose citizen is the holder of the document that is considered an identity document in the issuing state.
(5) The mayor shall communicate the answer to the application to theapplicant within 10 days at the most of its registration.
(6) The special electoral rolls shall be signed by the mayor and by thesecretary of the administrative-territorial unit. A copy of the special electoral rolls shall be kept by the mayor, and the other one shall be handed in to the court of law under whose territorial jurisdiction the said administrative-territorial unit falls.
(7) The community voters shall remain enlisted on the special electoral rolls until they require to be removed from the rolls thereof or until they are removed when they cease to meet the conditions of exercising the right to vote. The removing of the community voters’ entries from the special electoral rolls shall be operated by the mayor.
(8) The objections with reference to denial of enlisting, to omissions,incorrect registrations, and any other errors on the special rolls shall be made in writing to the mayor of the administrative-territorial unit, who is obliged to solve them within 3 days at the most of the registration.
(9) The petitions regarding the settling of objections shall be submitted inwriting within 5 days of the notification to the court of law in the jurisdiction of which the citizen of the Member State of the European Union, other than Romania has his/her domicile or residence, and shall be solved by the court thereof within 3 days at the most of the registration.
(10) No later than 60 days before the reference date, the mayors shalltransmit to the Permanent Electoral Authority, in order to carry out the duty referred to in Article 15, copies of the applications for enlisting on the special electoral rolls, together with the copies of the identity documents.
(11) The mayor shall make copies of the special electoral rolls, whichinclude the community voters of each polling station. Two days before the reference date, the mayor shall submit two samples of the copies of the special electoral rolls, on the basis of a minutes, to the electoral bureaux of the polling stations. A sample shall be placed at the electors’disposal for consultation, and another one shall be used on the reference date. A sample of the copy shall be kept by the mayor.
(12) The copies of the special electoral rolls shall be signed by the mayorand by the secretary of the administrative-territorial unit.
(13) The copies of the special electoral rolls shall include the full name of thecommunity voter, his/her citizenship and address in Romania, according to the application based on which the community voter entered on the special electoral rolls, the number of the polling station, as well as a column for the voter’s signature.
(14) Any inconsistency between the special electoral roll and its copyshall be solved immediately by the mayor, by order, on the basis of the data included in the special electoral roll.
(15) The mayor shall communicate immediately, in writing, to the electoralbureau of the polling station and to the Permanent Electoral Authority any alteration occurred in the special electoral roll, after the handing in of the copy to the electoral bureau of the polling station.
* See G.D. No. 220/2009 on the approval of the model of the application for registration on the special electoral rolls, which is made by the community voter, as well as of the model of the statement on one’s own account, which is submitted by the community eligible person upon the elections of the members from Romania to the European Parliament, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 146 of 9 March 2009, amended by G.D. No. 109/2014 for the
amendment of Annex No. 1 and 2 to G.D. No. 220/2009 on the approval of the model of the application for registration on the special electoral rolls, which is made by the community voter, as well as of the model of the statement on one’s own account, which is submitted by the community eligible person upon the elections of the members from Romania to the European Parliament, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 131 of 24 February 2014.
** The sanction for the offence of false declaration is provided for in Article 326 of Law No. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 510 of 24 July 2009, with the subsequent amendments and completions.