Procedures and terms for collection of signatures by initiative groups.
The day the initiative group has received the certificate of registration, it has the right to organize and unrestrictedly collect the signatures on forms for citizens signatures demanding the conduct of the referendum (petition forms).
The total term for collection of signatures on the question of all-Ukrainian referendum conduct, should not exceed three months, as for local referendum - one month from the day the first initiative group on an appropriate referendum was certified on registration.
Every petition form must have a name, the ordinal number of the initiative group, the ordinal number of the petition form, as well as the wording of the question, suggested to submit to referendum. A sample of the petition forms of all-Ukrainian and local referenda shall be approved by the Central Commission on all-Ukrainian referendum.
Members of the initiative group must notify the citizens of Ukraine that they may sign only one petition form with a given demand to conduct the referendum.
The citizen of Ukraine, who supports the demand to conduct the referendum, shall place his signature on the petition form, indicating at the same time his surname, name, patronymic and the date of the signature. According to documents of the citizen, the member of the initiative group shall indicate in the petition form the date of his birth and place of permanent residence.
If a document to establish the identity of a citizen is absent, his signature is deemed void and shall not be counted. When the petition form is completed, the total number of citizens' signatures shall be counted. The correctness of information in the petition form shall be certified by signatures of two members of the initiative group.
During 10 days after the last day the citizens' signatures were placed in the petition form, and no later than the fixed term designated to collect signatures under the given demand to conduct a referendum, the signatures of the members of the initiative group in the petition form must be certified by a signature of an official person specially authorized for that by the Chairperson of rayon, city (cities of republican and oblast subordination) Council of peoples' deputies which registered the local referendum initiative group. The petition form may be copied.