Sections 18(2), 19(3), 19A(2), 19B(4) and 19C(4)of Act CCXXXVIII of 2013 require the initiator of a national referendum to return the support signature sheets to the National Election Office by the deadlines previously established. The amendments to each of these sections (Sections 69-73 of the Act) extend that handover requirement to blank signature sheets (in addition to completed and incomplete signature sheets). The amendments also decrease the fine for failure to return a sheet, to be imposed by the NEC, with a cap established for the total amount of the fine. The Hungarian authorities informed the Venice Commission and ODIHR that this provision had been examined by the Hungarian Constitutional Court, which did not question the legitimate aim but only asked for a reduction of the amounts of the fines. However, in line with a previous ODIHR recommendation relating to candidate signature support sheets in elections, the Venice Commission and ODIHR recommend reviewing the power to issue fines for late return or loss of support sheets, given that the return of such sheets does not necessarily protect the data contained in them.