Home > 5.3 Validity of the question > SERBIA - Urgent Opinion on the Draft Law on the Referendum and the People's Initiative
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Paragraph 91

The Venice Commission makes the following key recommendations:

A. To clearly define the various types of referendums and the provisions applicable to them by addressing in detail the following issues in the law: the questions subject to referendum; the hierarchical rank of the provisions submitted to referendum (Constitutional or statutory provisions); the nature of the proposal submitted to referendum (e.g., a generally-worded or a concrete proposal); the effect of the request for a referendum on the current legislation; and to clearly define the issues which cannot be submitted to referendum;
B. To reconsider the extension of the right to vote to owners of real estate, or at least to provide this extension in a detailed manner;
C. Not to require a fee, or at most a very small one, for signature authentication;
D. To extend the right to appeal to all voters and to reasonably extend the deadlines for lodging and deciding on complaints and appeals;
E. To reconsider the composition of the electoral administration in order to ensure its independence by revising the relevant legal texts;
F. To give to the electoral commissions the power to check to question submitted to voters as well as signatures, and to provide objective information to voters;
G. Not to subject private media to a requirement of neutrality, but only require that equal conditions for radio and television advertising be ensured.