Home > 4.1.2 Upper house > BELGIUM - Constitution
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Article 43

§ 1. For cases determined by the Constitution, the elected members of the House of Representatives are divided into a Dutch linguistic group and a French linguistic group, in the manner determined by the law.
§ 2. For cases determined by the Constitution, senators, except the sena-tor appointed by the Parliament of the German-speaking Community, are di-vided into a Dutch linguistic group and a French linguistic group.
The senators referred to in Article 67, § 1, 1° and 6° make up the Dutch linguistic group of the Senate. The senators referred to in Article 67, § 1, 2° to 4° and 7° make up the French linguistic group of the Senate.

Transitional provision

This article comes into force on the day when elections take place with a view to the complete renewal of the Community and Regional Parliaments in 2014.
The following provisions apply until that day:

Ҥ 1. For cases determined by the Constitution, the elected members of each House are divided into a Dutch linguistic group and a French linguistic group, in the manner determined by the law.
§ 2. The senators referred to in Article 67, § 1, 1°, 3° and 6° make up the Dutch linguistic group of the Senate. The senators referred to in Article 67, § 1, 2°, 4° and 7° make up the French linguistic group of the Senate.”.