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Paragraph 11

Distribution of seats and returning of members at elections to the municipal council

(1) The Electoral Committee shall perform the determination of the election result in the case of elections to the municipal council. The total votes polled by the lists shall be taken as the basis for the distribution of seats, which takes place in accordance with Sainte-Laguë’s modified method in accordance with section 11-4 of this Act.

(2) When it has been decided how many constituency seats an electoral list shall have, the Electoral Committee allocates these to the candidates on the list. Candidates who are not eligible are disregarded. Candidates whose names are in boldface are given the increased share of the poll to which they are entitled in accordance with subsection (3) of section 6-2 of this Act, before the personal votes the electors have given to the candidates are counted. Thereafter the candidates are returned in sequence according to the number of personal votes received. If two or more candidates have received an equality of votes, or no votes, the sequence on the list is decisive.

(3) Each list shall as far as possible be allocated as many alternates as it gets members, with the addition of three. The candidates for seats as alternates are distributed in the same manner as the members in accordance with subsection (2) above.

(4) Where en electoral list gains more seats than there are eligible candidates on the list, the surplus seats are allocated to the remaining lists in accordance with the provision of subsection (1) above.

Amended by Act No. 4 of 10 January 2003 (commencement 1 February 2003 pursuant to Decree No. 3 of 10 January 2003).