Home > 4.7 European elections > FINLAND - Elections Act
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Section 197

Transitional provisions

If an election or a consultative referendum is conducted before 90 days has passed since the entry into force of this Act, the regulations which were in force when this Act entered into force apply. In parliamentary elections that are conducted on 21 March 1999 or before that and in presidential election and elections to the European Parliament that are conducted before the next parliamentary elections conducted after the parliamentary elections referred to in this subsection, the provisions on the electoral district division laid down in section 1 of the Act on Parliamentary Elections are applied instead of the provisions on the electoral district division laid down in section 5 of this Act.

Pursuant to section 3 of the Act on Parliamentary Elections, the term of a central committee of an electoral district continues until a constituency electoral committee has been appointed in accordance with section 11. The central municipal election board appointed by the local council for its term under section 4 of the Act on Municipal Elections functions as the central municipal election board referred to in section 13 until the end of its term.

References in other acts and decrees to the acts repealed by this Act are after the entry into force of this Act considered to refer to this Act.