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Section 175

Notification of a joint list

If a constituency association has agreed to form a joint list with one or more other constituency associations, a notification of the joint list and the constituency associations belonging to it and the candidates in the order the candidates will be presented in the master list of candidates shall be submitted simultaneously with the candidate application of the constituency association. The notification shall be signed by the polling representatives of the constituency associations that have formed the joint list.

The notification shall also include the name and contact information of the polling representative and deputy polling representative of the joint list.

The notification may contain a proposal for the name of the joint list to be given in the master list of candidates. The proposed name shall include the expression "joint list" (in Finnish: yhteislista). The name must not be inappropriate or generally or otherwise misleading. The name of the joint list may always contain a name which has been entered in the Register of Associations and which the constituency associations forming the joint list have verifiably been given permission by the association to use. The name must not, however, include the name of a party that is registered in the Party Register.