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Section 169

Establishment of a constituency association

A minimum of 2,000 eligible voters may establish a constituency association in order to nominate a candidate in elections to the European Parliament.

A constituency association is established by drawing up a dated and signed charter which shall contain the following information:

1)  a reference to the elections to the European Parliament inquestion; the candidate’s name and title, occupation or position using no more than two expressions, and his or her municipality of residence;

2)  the name, date of birth and address of each member;

3)  an affirmation signed by each member stating that they are entitled to vote in the elections in question;

4)  the name and contact information of the polling representative and the deputy polling representative of the constituency association.

An eligible voter may be a member of only one constituency association. If a person is a member of two or more constituency associations, the constituency electoral committee of Helsinki shall remove his or her name from all the charters.