Home > 1.6.2 Second round of voting > MOLDOVA – Urgent joint opinion on the draft Law no. 263 amending the Electoral Code, the Contravention Code and the Code of Audiovisual Media Services
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Paragraph 21

The definition of an “electoral campaign” is also elaborated in greater detail in the draft Law and specifies that the campaign starts from the moment of registration but not earlier than 30 days before the election day. The revised definition now also clarifies that in the event of a second round or repeat voting in different types of elections, the campaign resumes on the date specified by the CEC. These clarifications should not lead to a restrictive interpretation of the rights of the electoral stakeholders (see in particular, on the right of observers, below IV.F). Moreover, election campaigns should not start at different times for different candidates or political parties. In case of later registration of some candidates (which might be based on some discretion by the election administration) others would have advantages in the media (see also Article 52.4 of the Code).