Home > 4.7 European elections > BULGARIA - Election Code
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Paragraph 6

(1) The elected candidates for National Representative, President of the Republic, Vice President of the Republic, Member of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria or mayor, who work at state or municipal institutions or enterprises, commercial corporations wherein the State or a municipality holds an interest in the capital exceeding 50 per cent, or public-financed organizations, shall have the right, upon termination of the credentials thereof, to reoccupy the previous position thereof or, in the cases where the said position has been eliminated, to occupy another equivalent position in the same or, with their consent, in another state or municipal institution or enterprise, commercial corporation wherein the State or a municipality holds an interest in the capital exceeding 50 per cent, or public-financed organization.
(2) Where the previous position of the elected candidate is occupied by another person, the legal relationship with the said person shall be terminated without notice.
(3) The provisions of para. 1 and 2 shall not apply where the elected candidates have held another elective or fixed-term office.
(4) The term of office of the elected candidates for Member of the European Parliament for the Republic of Bulgaria, who hold another elective office, shall be terminated seven days in advance of the date of opening of the first session of the European Parliament.