Organization of voting on elections of the members of the Council of the Republic
To hold a secret voting on election of the members of the Council of the Republic and to determine the results, the deputies taking part in the sitting elect the Counting Commission including 9 to 15 of deputies.The candidates for members of the Council of the Republic may not be included in the counting commission.
The counting commission elects its chairperson, deputy chairperson and secretary from among its members.The counting commission takes its decisions by a majority vote.
The ballots for voting are made by the counting commission according to the form established by the Central Commission and in the amount correspondent to the number of the sitting participants.The text of the ballot is approved by the counting commission.
The ballot includes, in the alphabetical order, the candidates for members of the Council of the Republic indicating the surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, post (occupation), place of work and place of residence, party membership and the period of residence in the territory of the region or in the City of Minsk.An empty square is placed on the right side of the data about each candidate.A line «Against all candidates» is placed at the end of the list of candidates with empty square on its right side.If when holding repeated elections or the elections of the member of the Council of the Republic instead of withdrawn one the ballot contains only one candidate for members of the Council of the Republic, the text of the ballot shall include words “for” and “against” under which empty squares are placed.
The reverse side of the ballot has signatures of at least two persons who are members of the counting commission.
The voting on the election of the members of the Council of the Republic is conducted in specially assigned premises where a sufficient number of booths or rooms for conducting secret voting, and the desks for issuing ballots are determined.The ballot boxes are placed so that the voters approach them only through the booths or premises assigned for secret voting.
The time, place and order for voting are established by the counting commission and declared by its chairperson.
Prior to the commencement of the voting, the ballot boxes are inspected and sealed by the chairperson of the counting commission in the presence of all members of the counting commission.
A voting ballot is issued to each deputy participating in the session.The ballots are issued by the members of the counting commission according to the list of deputies taking part in the sitting upon presentation by a deputy of his Deputy Certificate.The deputy confirms the receipt of a ballot by putting his signature in the list of deputies.