Home > 5.1.3 Referendum requested by part of the electorate > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Law on Referendum and Other Forms of Direct Vote of Citizens
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Article 76

(1) The President of the council, upon receiving the proposal for citizens’ initiative, within three days shall examine whether the proposal is submitted by an authorized proposer and whether it refers to an issue within the competence for the council to decide.

(2) When the President of the council determines the initiative to be in accordance with Article 75 paragraph (3) of this Law, (s)he shall notify the authorized proposer for it within three days.

(3) When the President of the council determines the initiative not to be orderly, (s)he shall put the issue in relation to the initiative on the agenda at the first following session of the council, not later than 15 days from the day of the determining the disorderliness of the initiative.

(4) The council, by conclusion, shall determine whether the initiative is orderly.

(5) The president of the council shall notify the authorized proposer of the conclusion of the council within three days from the day of its adoption.