Home > 4.5.1 Elections of the local executive body > CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016
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Article 90

(1) A person who holds an incompatible office, apart from a person who is prohibited by this Act from candidacy, may stand as a candidate, and if they are elected, they must resign from the incompatible office within 8 days from the day following the day when the final election results are announced.

(2) Municipality heads, mayors and county prefects and their deputies who, while they are holding office, accept an incompatible office, must resign within 8 days from the day they accept the incompatible office.

(3) If the municipality head, mayor or county prefect or their deputies do not resign pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, their term of office shall be terminated by force of law.

(4) The term of office in a representative body of a municipality head, mayor or county prefect or their deputies, in the case referred to in Article 89, paragraph 1 of this Act, shall be suspended by force of law.