Home > 4.5.1 Elections of the local executive body > CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016
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Article 87

(1) The constitutive sessions of the representative bodies of units shall be convened by the head of the central body of state administration competent for the work of local and regional self-government, or a person he/she authorises.

(2) The first, constitutive session of representative bodies shall be convened within 30 days of the day the final election results are announced.

(3) If the representative body is not constituted at the session referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the authorised convenor shall convene a new constitutive session within 30 days of the day when the previous session should have been held. If the representative body is not constituted at that session either, the authorised convenor shall convene a new constitutive session within another time limit of 30 days.

(4) The constitutive session of a representative body, up until the election of the president, shall be presided over by the first elected member from the list of candidates which received the most votes. If several lists received the same highest number of votes, the constitutive session shall be presided over by the first elected candidate from the list that had the lower ordinal number on the ballot paper.

(5) The representative body of the unit shall be deemed to have been constituted following the election of the president, pursuant to the provisions of a separate act.

(6) If the representative body is not constituted within the time limits referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, new elections shall be called.