Home > 4.5.1 Elections of the local executive body > CROATIA - Act on Local Elections 2012 and Act on Amendments 2016
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Article 84

(1) Lists which receive at least 5% of the valid votes of voters at the elections have the right to share in the distribution of seats in the representative bodies of units.

(2) The number of members of the representative body of the unit that will be elected from each list of candidates is established by dividing the total number of valid votes each list receives by the numbers from one all the way to the total number of members of the representative body being elected, whereby decimal remainders are also included. From all the results obtained in this way, the seats in the representative body are won by the lists which have as many of the numerically highest results, including decimal remainders, as the number of members of the representative body being elected. Each of these lists wins as many seats in the representative body as the number of individual results they achieved amongst the same number of the numerically highest results as there are members to be elected in the representative body.

(3) If the votes are so divided that it is not possible to establish which of two or more lists has won a seat in the representative body, it shall be granted to the one which received the most votes.

(4) If two or more lists received the same number of votes and it is not possible to establish which list won the seat in the representative body, it shall be granted to both those lists.

(5) If two or more lists referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article achieve the right to a seat in the representative body, the number of members of the representative body shall be increased and in that case the number of members of the representative body may be even.