Home > 4.3 Regional and federate elections > HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure
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Section 329

(1) A copy of the polling district record on the results of territorial and national minority self-government elections shall be send by the local election office to the territorial election office no later than 10:00 on the day following the voting.
(2) The territorial election commission shall determine the result of the territorial national minority self-government election based on the records of the polling districts and the records on the results of postal voting.
(3) The territorial election commission shall determine the result of the territorial national minority self-government election based on the minutes of the polling districts and the minutes of the ballot counting it had carried out.
(4) The territorial election commission shall determine the territorial results of the national minority self-government election based on the minutes of the polling districts and the minutes of the ballot counting it had carried out.