Home > Gathering of signatures > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament)
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Article 181

Registration of Citizen Initiative Group

(1) In the event that the initiative to hold a referendum comes from citizens, a citizen initiative group shall be established, including no less than 20 citizens eligible to vote and residing in the respective territorial-administrative unit. At least 30 citizens should participate at the founding meeting of the initiative group. At least three days before the meeting, the initiators shall notify the mayor in writing about the time, place and purpose of the meeting.

(2) A citizen initiative group is registered by the local public administration bodies within five days of the date of that the group submitted: a written statement requesting registration, the minutes of the group’s establishment, and the question(s) proposed for the referendum. Where a referendum on recalling the mayor is being initiated, the initiative group is to be registered by the sector (rayon) or municipal court where the respective locality is situated.

(3) The decision confirming registration shall contain the time period for signature collection of between 30 and 60 days, and the questions subject to local referendum.

(4) Upon registration of the citizen initiative group, its members shall be issued a special document-card attesting their right to collect signatures according to rules established by the Central Electoral Commission.

(5) Information regarding the registration of the citizen initiative group shall be published in the local press.