The second round of elections. Special provisions
(1) If none of the candidates for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova gathered at least half of the votes of the voters who have participated in elections, a second round of elections shall be organised for the !rst two established candidates, in decreasing order of the number of votes obtained during the first round.
(2) If more candidates have gathered an equal number of votes for accreditation in the second round, the Central Electoral Commission shall organize a drawing of lots, noting this fact in the minutes. The candidates shall be provided the possibility to decide jointly who of them will run for elections in the second round or to participate in the drawing of lots.
(3) If the two candidates participating in the second round of elections gathered the same number of votes during the !rst round, the order of including their name in the voting ballot shall be established by drawing the lots.
(4) The second round of elections shall be organised in 2 weeks since the date of the !rst round of elections, under the conditions of the present code. The information about the conduct of the second round of elections shall be made public by the Central Electoral Commission within a period of 24 hours since the date it was established. The date of the second round of elections shall be established by the Central Electoral Commission.
(5)The candidates who obtained the biggest number of votes in the second round of elections shall be declared as elected. The votes casted for a candidate shall be considered as votes expressed against the other candidate.
(6) If both candidates obtained the same number of votes, the candidate who has gathered more votes during the first round of elections shall be considered
as elected. If both candidates have gathered the same number of votes in the first round of elections, the Central Electoral Commission shall draw the lots, noting this fact in the minutes.
(7) If one of the candidates withdraws, the remaining candidates shall be considered as elected if he/she gathered at least half of votes of the voters who have participated in elections.